
Update your Password

Password must be between 8 to 20 characters and contain atleast one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit and one special character

Delete Account

Your account will be deactivated and you will be logged out of Techiio.

Note that some of the public content, as follows will be anonymized but not deleted:

  • Technical blogposts
  • Discussion threads
  • Comments and reactions

It will no longer be possible to login into Techiio account, you can request for reactivation of your account to Techiio support team in future if necessary.

I understand, delete my account anyway

confirm your decision by clicking the button below


Update your Password

Password must be between 8 to 20 characters and contain atleast one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit and one special character

Delete Account

Your account will be deactivated and you will be logged out of Techiio.

Note that some of the public content, as follows will be anonymized but not deleted:

  • Technical blogposts
  • Discussion threads
  • Comments and reactions

It will no longer be possible to login into Techiio account, you can request for reactivation of your account to Techiio support team in future if necessary.

I understand, delete my account anyway

confirm your decision by clicking the button below
